Friday, September 26, 2008

Introducing......Brody Diego!!!!!!

Hey everyone this is Tara posting for Tami...shes been super busy taking care of her cute lil Iam posting pics so everyone can finally see her lil bundle of JOY! might seem like he sleeps a ton (since he is in all the pics that we have up right now) but believe me im sure Tami wouldn't mind him sleeping a little more! LOL He was born Sep. 16th at 2:03 AM. Weight- 8.14 lbs Length- 21 1/2 inches long. He did have to stay in the NICU for 5 days to watch his breathing (he swallowed fluid when he was born) and temp. but he is happy and healthy now and loves being home with his mommy and daddy! He is such a good baby...but loves spitting up after his feeding...but he actually hasn't spit up since early yesterday so hopefully that continues=] They couldn't be happier and love being parents. So here he is...(ill post pics as soon as she gets some of him awake with his gorgeous eyes!)

Brooklyn loves her new baby brother!


Maosi Fam said...

i already love him sooooooooooooooooo much and cant beliebe i have to leave him soon=[ that just mean taht the 3 of you will have to come visit us!!

Marie said...

OH Tami he is so sweet!! I am so glad that he is home with you guys. Enjoy all the time you guys have with your little guy....It goes by so fast, but im sure you already know that:)

Amy-Sue and Gian Del Bello said...

too cute for words!!!

Anonymous said...

So cute! I can't wait to meet him. By the time I do, he won't look like this anymore.
Glad he's doing better and that he is finally home where he belongs.